Martina Rosticci
Direttore sanitario

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  • Igiene e Medicina preventiva
  • 0382.592731
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Direttore sanitario dell'IRCCS Maugeri Pavia, dell'ICS Maugeri Pavia Boezio e dell'IRCCS Maugeri Veruno (No)

  • A meta-analysis of Italian and Estonian individuals shows an effect of common variants in HMGCR on blood apoB levels. Rosticci M, Pervjakova N, Kaakinen M, Cicero AF, Feufer AP, Marullo L, Mägi R, Fischer K, Jiang L, D'Addato S, Rizzoli E, Massimo G, Giovannini M, Angelini S, Hrelia P, Scapoli C, Borghi C, Prokopenko I. Biomark Med. 2018 Sep 7. doi: 10.2217/bmm-2017-0431
  • Relationship between Lipid Phenotypes, Overweight, Lipid Lowering Drug Response and KIF6 and HMG-CoA Genotypes in a Subset of the Brisighella Heart Study Population. Angelini S, Rosticci M, Massimo G, Musti M, Ravegnini G, Consolini N, Sammarini G, D'Addato S, Rizzoli E, Botbayev D, Borghi C, Cantelli-Forti G, Cicero AF, Hrelia P.Int J Mol Sci. 2017 Dec 24;19(1). pii: E49. doi: 10.3390/ijms19010049.PMID: 29295555
  • Fatty liver index is associated to pulse wave velocity in healthy subjects: Data from the Brisighella Heart Study. Cicero AFG, Gitto S, Fogacci F, Rosticci M, Giovannini M, D'Addato S, Andreone P, Borghi C; Brisighella Heart Study Group Medical and Surgical Sciences Dept., University of Bologna.Eur J Intern Med. 2018 Mar 23. pii: S0953-6205(18)30126-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2018.03.010. PMID: 29580767
  • Circulating Levels of Proprotein Convertase Subtilisin/Kexin Type 9 and Arterial Stiffness in a Large Population Sample: Data From the Brisighella Heart Study. Ruscica M, Ferri N, Fogacci F, Rosticci M, Botta M, Marchiano S, Magni P, D'Addato S, Giovannini M, Borghi C, Cicero AFG; Brisighella Heart Study Group. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 May 3;6(5). pii: e005764. doi: 10.1161/JAHA.117.005764. PMID: 28468788
  • NoSAS score associated with arterial stiffness in a large cohort of healthy individuals. Cicero AFG, Rosticci M, Pengo M.F, Hart N, Borghi C, for the Brisighella Heart Study Group. THE LANCET RM-D-16-00442R1 PII NEEDED PV LINKED TO: 2600(16)30075-3
  • High serum uric acid is associated to poorly controlled blood pressure and higher arterial stiffness in hypertensive subjects. Cicero AF, Rosticci M, Fogacci F, Grandi E, D'Addato S, Borghi C; Brisighella Heart Study Group. Eur J Intern Med. 2016 Aug 3. pii: S0953-6205(16)30234-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ejim.2016.07.026. [Epub ahead of print]PMID: 27498274
  • Efficacy and tolerability of a combined lipid-lowering nutraceutical on cholesterolemia, hs-CRP level and endothelial function in moderately hypercholesterolemic subjects. Cicero AF, Colletti A, Rosticci M, Grandi E, Borghi C. J Biol Regul Homeost Agents. 2016 Apr-Jun;30(2):593-8. PMID: 27358154
  • Risk Factors for Lacunar Strokes with Visible Cerebral Lesions on Computed Tomography Scan. Muscari A, Conte C, Degli Esposti D, Faccioli L, Falcone R, Kolce B, Marabini L, Puddu GM, Rosticci M, Spinardi L, Veronesi M, Borghi C, Zoli M. J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis. 2016 Mar 18. pii: S1052-3057(16)00081-1. doi: 10.1016/j.jstrokecerebrovasdis.2016.01.050. [Epub ahead of print] PMID:27009611
  • Independent Determinants of Maternal and Fetal Outcomes in a Sample of Pregnant Outpatients With Normal Blood Pressure, Chronic Hypertension, Gestational Hypertension, and Preeclampsia. Cicero AF, Degli Esposti D, Immordino V, Morbini M, Baronio C, Rosticci M, Borghi C. J Clin Hypertens (Greenwich). 2015Oct;17(10):777-82. doi: 10.1111/jch.12614. Epub 2015 Jul 14. PubMed PMID: 26173048.
  • Association of KIF6 and HMGCR loci with cardiometabolic phenotypes and response to statin therapy in the Brisighella cohort. Rosticci M, Marullo L, Cicero AF, Magi R, Fischer K, Pervjakova N, D'Addato S, Rizzoli E, Massimo G, Giovannini M, Angelini S, Scapoli C, Prokopenko I, Borghi C. J Hypertens. 2015 Jun; 33Suppl 1:e3-4. doi: 10.1097/01.hjh.0000467361.35205.0a. PubMed PMID: 26102786.

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