Stefano Nava, Francesco Fanfulla, eds. Non Invasive Artificial Ventilation. Ed. Springer 2014. ISBN 978-88-470-5525-4. DOI 10.1007/978-88-470-5526-1.
Fanfulla F, Malaguti S, Montagna T, Salvini S, Bruschi C, Crotti P, Casale R, Rampulla C. Erectile dysfunction in men with obstructive sleep apnea: an early sign of nerve involvement. Sleep 2000; 23: 775-781.
Fanfulla F, Delmastro M, Berardinelli A, D'Artavilla Lupo N, Nava S. Effects of Different Ventilator Settings on Sleep and Inspiratory Effort in Neuromuscular Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 2005 172(5):619-24
Olmetti F, La Rovere MT, Robbi E, Taurino AE and Fanfulla F. Nocturnal cardiac arrhythmia in patients with obstructive sleep apnea. Sleep Med. 2008 Jul;9(5):475-80.
Fanfulla F, Grassi M, Taurino AE, D’Artavilla Lupo, Trentin R. The relationship of daytime hypoxemia and nocturnal hypoxia in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome. Sleep 2008; 31(2): 249-255.
Fanfulla F, Ceriana P, D’Artavilla Lupo N, Trentin R, Frigerio F, Nava S. Sleep disturbances in patients admitted to a step-down unit after ICU discharge: the role of mechanical ventilation. Sleep 2011; 34: 355-362.
Fanfulla F, Camera A, Fulgoni P, Chiovato L, Nappi RE. Sexual dysfunction in obese women: Does obstructive sleep apnea play a role? Sleep Med. 2013;14(3):252-6.
Damiani MF, Quaranta VN, Falcone VA, Gadaleta F, Maiellari M, Ranieri T, Fanfulla F, Carratù P, Resta O. The Epworth Sleepiness Scale: conventional self vs physician administration. Chest 2013; 143:1569-1575.
Manconi M, Zavalko I, Fanfulla F, Winkelman J, Fulda S. An Evidence-Based Recommendation for a New Definition of Respiratory-Related Leg Movements. Sleep. 2015 Feb 1;38(2):295-304. doi: 10.5665/sleep.4418.
Carlucci A, Ceriana P, Mancini M, Cirio S, Pierucci P, Lupo ND, Gadaleta F, Morrone E, Fanfulla F. Efficacy of Bilevel-auto Treatment in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Not Responsive to or Intolerant of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure Ventilation. J Clin Sleep Med. 2015 Mar 8. pii: jc-00410-14. [Epub ahead of print].
Morrone E, Pistarini C, Cazzulani B, Rossi M, Prpa A, Fanfulla F. Sleep apnea after aneurism’s rupture of posterior cerebral artery and elevated intracranial pressure: a Chiari like syndrome. Sleep Med. 2016 May;21:42-4. doi: 10.1016/j.sleep.2016.01.003. Epub 2016 Jan 26. No abstract available.
Lombardi C, Fanfulla F, Parati G. Treatment of central sleep apnea in heart failure patients: benefit or harm? Int J Cardiol. 2016 Jul 1;214:254-5. doi: 10.1016/j.ijcard.2016.03.220. Epub 2016 Apr 3.
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